

Customer Rating: 4.7

What is it?

Body-4 is an innovative drug that allows you to lose weight quickly without exhausting yourself with strict diets and at the same time without harm to the body. The active substances of the drug start the process of ketosis in the body – a stage of metabolism in which energy production occurs at the expense of fats, and not at the expense of glucose. This naturally occurs 7-14 days after you stop using glucose, however, many people find it difficult to stick to such a diet. Glucose is found in most consumer-familiar foods: bread, sweets, sugar, many fruits and vegetables, as well as potatoes and corn. Giving up such an extensive list is hard, uncomfortable and stressful, which only increases the risk of diet failure. Body-4 significantly speeds up the process of entering the ketosis phase, reducing the time to 40-50 minutes and helping the body absorb ketone bodies from the outside, so the weight is lost faster and more efficiently. Lose weight with Body-4 by 10-15kg per month without harm to yourself!

Body-4 - Information
Product name Body-4
Official site
Country of sale of goods Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa
Availability in pharmacies Not available
Delivery speed 4-7 days
Payment Cash or card on delivery
Availability on the official website In stock
Structure 100% natural
Customer Reviews Positive


The composition of the drug includes:
  • Raspberry ketones. Accelerate metabolic processes in the body, reduce the accumulation of fat and accelerate its burning
  • Bitter orange. They slow down the processes of fat formation and increase energy consumption, stimulating metabolic processes in the body and activating the breakdown of fats by stimulating beta-3-adrenergic receptors
  • L-carnitine. Lowers cholesterol levels by transferring fatty acids to the mitochondria for their subsequent conversion into the energy needed by the body
  • Pineapple. Pineapples contain a high amount of bromelain, known as a weight loss enzyme, which makes it a useful component of the drug. Bromelain activates the breakdown of lipids, proteins and fats, improves the digestion process.
  • Papaya. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, accelerates the process of protein breakdown without turning them into fat cells, and also removes excess fluid from the body.
  • Passionfruit. It is the main source of beneficial micro and macro elements, creates a feeling of fullness, helps to safely cleanse the intestines and improves stool.
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How to use?

Body-4 should be taken in the morning during breakfast, exactly one capsule. Taking the drug in the morning guarantees its active action during the day, which will help maintain strength and energy until the evening and hold out between meals by regulating hunger.
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How does it work?

Body-4 is aimed at accelerating the process of ketosis - the acceleration of metabolic processes in the body, due to which even hard-to-reach fat is burned without harm to the body and the need to sit on strict tiring diets. In addition, the complex helps to normalize digestion, remove excess water and lower cholesterol levels. Body-4 increases satiety by helping you reduce your food intake, which helps you shed pounds faster.

Indications for use

The drug is indicated for overweight patients, as well as athletes who need to constantly maintain a figure in perfect physical shape.


The drug has no contraindications, since it contains only natural components and minerals, and the effect on the body is gentle and accurate. In addition, Body-4 does not violate the natural processes in the body, but only stimulates them.

Expert review

Body-4 is a real find for those who want to lose weight not only quickly and effectively, but also in accordance with their own health, which many patients often forget about. For my patients with overweight problems, I recommend the drug as a support during ketogenic diets. It actively enriches the body with the necessary enzymes, helps to cope with hunger, calms and helps fight stress. Losing weight with the help of this complex protects, among other things, from the appearance of characteristic friability of the skin and its sagging, which is a fairly common consequence of sudden weight loss.

Customer Reviews

As a fairly lazy person, I find it hard to stick to strict regular diets or exercise. I learned about the drug by contacting a doctor. I read reviews, composition, principle of action. I doubted for a long time, because I do not trust additives, but I was pleasantly surprised. Lightness, energy, I quickly fill up with less food, and this is already after two weeks of use! I feel how I am becoming smaller in volume, and this despite the fact that I have not changed my lifestyle at all. A wonderful drug.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been on a diet. Keto, Intuitive Fasting, the Dukan Diet, and more. All to no avail. The weight came off very slowly, which led to nervous breakdowns, gluttony and a tightening of the diet. And so in a circle. Desperate. Once a friend recommended this drug. I do not believe in miracles, but there was no choice, I decided to try. I still do not believe it when I see minus 3 kg every day, or even more. Physically, I feel great, it cannot be compared with those times when I was on diets. Super tool.

Now Im scared to even remember what a terrible weight I was a year ago and how I looked. At 29, I looked 40 years old, if not more, I felt generally 60. Body-4 was my last chance - I had already tried everything I could. Thanks a lot for this product! In less than six months, I lost 40 kilograms, practically limiting myself in nothing. Separately, I want to note the quality of the skin - not a single wrinkle! It feels like my skin has been losing weight along with me - for many of my losing weight friends, when losing such a lot of weight, the skin sagged and wrinkled. In my case, this did not happen. I went my own way and am very glad that it was Body-4 that helped me in this.


Price 4.9
Packing quality 5
Ease of application 4.9
Delivery speed 4.4
Specifications 4.6
Structure 4.6
Efficiency 5
Publication date

Where to buy?

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Body-4 is a scam?

No, this is not a scam. We have checked this product and it meets all quality standards.

Are there any negative reviews of Body-4?

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Can I buy this at a pharmacy?

No, pharmacies do not sell this product.