Matcha slim

Matcha slim

Customer Rating: 4.4

What is it?

Matcha slim is a powerful natural weight loss solution. It is the result of long and painstaking research at the Melbourne Institute of Food Science and Technology. Leading nutritionists managed to create a unique formula that includes effective, healthy and safe ingredients that can not only burn subcutaneous fat, but also “teach” the body how to properly metabolize. As a result, this allows you to achieve a slender, toned figure in just 4 weeks of drinking this drink, get rid of cellulite and 10-15 kg, and also consolidate the achieved result for a long time, which is not guaranteed by diets dangerous to health and exhausting, sometimes crippling workouts. Matcha slim, on the other hand, guarantees a positive effect easily and without forcing yourself to make a radical lifestyle change.

Matcha slim - Information
Product name Matcha slim
Official site www.Matcha
Country of sale of goods Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania, South Africa
Availability in pharmacies Not available
Delivery speed 4-7 days
Payment Cash or card on delivery
Availability on the official website In stock
Structure 100% natural
Customer Reviews Positive


  • Match leaf extract - a natural source of antioxidants, suppresses excessive appetite, improves blood circulation, increases the rate of fat burning, increases energy production.
  • Taurine - strengthens the nervous system, contributes to its better protection against stress factors, restores normal sleep, relieves insomnia, stabilizes the psycho-emotional state, improves mood, is directly involved in lipid metabolism.
  • Lemon extract - accelerates metabolic processes, improves the production of digestive enzymes, normalizes the activity of the kidneys, liver and intestines, helping to quickly get rid of waste decay products.
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How to use?

1 teaspoon of the powder must be dissolved in 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 5-7 minutes, mix thoroughly. It is recommended to drink the drink once a day in the morning 20-30 minutes before breakfast. It is necessary to repeat the procedure for 4 weeks.
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How does it work?

The drug affects the body gradually, distributed over 4 important periods.
  • 1 week. There is a suppression of excessive appetite. The nervous system is restored, weakened by the negative effects of stress, the use of alcohol, tobacco, unbalanced nutrition, the use of certain types of drugs. Sleep improves, mood rises.
  • Week 2. Excess fluid is removed from their body, as well as toxins and weakened microorganisms that poison all internal organs and prevent them from functioning normally. Digestion improves, assimilation of micronutrients coming from food.
  • 3 weeks. The removal of fats from the subcutaneous layer and sending them to the muscle tissue is accelerated, where they burn, producing a large amount of energy necessary for an active life. Productivity increases, brain activity improves.
  • 4 weeks. Supports proper carbohydrate metabolism. All calories ingested with food are converted into energy without being stored in reserves in the subcutaneous layer and the area of ​​the internal organs (visceral fat). This allows you to fix the positive result for a long time and not gain weight again.

Indications for use

The drug can be used for weight loss at any stage of obesity, if you want to get rid of excess weight, cellulite, increase energy, improve digestion, speed up metabolism, improve the whole body, in particular skin, hair and legs, cleanse the body of toxins, improve work liver, kidneys and intestines.


The drug is not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, persons with individual intolerance to certain components that make up its composition, those who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Expert review

I am very glad that I can observe a remedy that helps to lose weight not instantly, but gradually. This is necessary so that the body is not traumatized by weight loss, which is obviously stressful for it, and is able to get used to a new way of absorbing nutrients. Matcha slim allows the body to adjust to a more efficient absorption of fats: not putting them off for a rainy day, but instantly using them as an excellent source of energy. The drink is not addictive, has no side effects, all its components are carefully studied and have proven benefits in the process of losing weight.

Customer Reviews

The taste is rather unusual, but pleasant. I drank it before breakfast instead of coffee. Invigorates well, was active all day. I lost 11 kg, which I did not even expect. Im very happy with the result.

I look at myself in the mirror and finally see a slender beauty. This tool is amazing! I just lost weight, and the previous kilograms have not returned to me for almost a year. So none of the diets worked. If you choose something for weight loss, then only him.

I liked that I not only lost weight, but also did not lose muscle mass. Usually after all and muscles dry up. This did not happen here. I consider this an added bonus to the drink.


Price 4.1
Packing quality 4.2
Ease of application 4.4
Delivery speed 4
Specifications 4.9
Structure 4.6
Efficiency 4.2
Publication date

Where to buy?

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Frequently Asked Questions

Matcha slim is a scam?

No, this is not a scam. We have checked this product and it meets all quality standards.

Are there any negative reviews of Matcha slim?

No, we could not find negative reviews on this product.

Can I buy this at a pharmacy?

No, pharmacies do not sell this product.